Review of Dishonoured

Dishonoured is about Dan, he has everything and he has worked hard to get it all. A loving wife, beautiful kids, successful businessman and to top it all off a fantastic home. One day he catches his normal train and sees the waitress who served him earlier. Everything was normal but four stops of the train later and he has lost everything and is a criminal. Dan is determined to find out who has planned and plotted his downfall and gain his life back if he can.

A story that had me in the palm of its hand with the clever plot and the engaging way Jem Tugwell has written it. I loved the premise of this book and it reminded me of a film I watched years ago called ‘Sliding Doors’. I never forgot that film and I feel I will not forget ‘Dishonoured’. I was so caught up in the story even though it led me a merry dance! This is a story that I can say has been woven into a smart psychological thriller that keeps you guessing until the final page, I was really flipping them pages as I felt like Dan as if I was lost in a maze and the confusion had me turning anyway but the right way.

If this book is Jem Tugwell’s first psychological thriller, woe betide us when he has warmed up, because this one is smoking already! A fast-paced and absolutely maddening story with a finale that is worth the wait!

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